About me

Graduated from UNLV with a Bachelor's in Computer Engineering in December 2024. With 6 years of experience developing electrical, hardware, and software skills, I am proficient in C/C++, Python, SystemVerilog, AWS Cloud Computing, and FPGA design. My hands-on expertise includes embedded systems, robotics, and IoT. My passion is to create technology that makes life more comfortable and efficient for everyone.

  • Hardware Tools
    ATmega328PB, FPGA, Jetson Nano, ROSMASTER X1, MKR 1000
  • Languages
    Advanced: C++, C, SystemVerilog
    Proficient: RISC-V, R, Python, Javascript, HTML, CSS
  • Developer Tools
    VS Code, Cadence Virtuoso, LTSpice, Microchip Studio, MARs, Logic, Arduino IDE, Quartus II, ModelSim, Active-HDL, AWS Cloud, KiCAD, ROS, Linux OS, ThingSpeak, Google Apps Script
  • B.S. Computer Engineering



This portfolio website serves as an extension of my professional media presence, showcasing my skills in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript while featuring sections like About, Projects, and Contact with detailed descriptions, images, and links to GitHub repositories and reports. It integrates a Google Apps Script for form submissions, includes social media links, a downloadable resume, and a modern design with smooth scrolling and hover effects, enhancing user interaction and accessibility.




This project involved developing a mobile robot capable of simulation and real-world operation using ROS, a URDF model, and various hardware components such as a Jetson Nano and LIDAR. The rover was designed to perform tasks including teleoperation, mapping, localization, and autonomous navigation with collision avoidance, integrating software and hardware to achieve efficient environmental interaction.

Buck Converter


This project involves designing and simulating a bandgap reference, charge pump, latch, oscillator, and buck converter to generate a stable voltage reference and regulate power efficiently. Despite achieving functional circuit operation, the efficiency score remained at 0.076 due to higher-than-required current consumption.




HoloTouch is a senior design project that integrates holographic display technology with hand gesture recognition for intuitive computer interaction. The system features a custom-built holographic display enclosed in a wooden frame with an acrylic panel set at a 45° angle to create a floating 3D effect. A front-facing USB camera, aided by LED lights, captures hand gestures, which are processed using Google's MediaPipe framework. These gestures control computer functions via APIs such as PyAutoGUI and pynput, enabling actions like cursor control, zoom, rotation, and window navigation. The project evolved from using an Nvidia Jetson Nano to desktop hardware for improved performance. The final design includes an optimized housing, expanded gesture library, and integration with Google Earth for 3D object manipulation. The system demonstrates real-time, touch-free computer interaction using holographic visualization.

IoT System


The Ambiance Monitoring and Music Recommendation System is an IoT system made to enhance users mood and vibes by tailoring music recommendations to the local weather. It uses a temperature sensor (TMP36) and a humidity sensor (HPP801A031) to determine local weather conditions, each sensor is connected to a dedicated node that communicates data to the cloud using MQTT network protocol. The system will use ThingSpeak cloud services for data storage, analysis, and processing to trigger a Spotify API applet to recommend or play a Spotify playlist to match the mood. ThingSpeak cloud services provide a dashboard to monitor real time data trend visuals.

FPGA Digital Lock System



This project had my teammate and I working with the microcontroller’s LCD and push-button matrix to display strings and data on the LCD, either hardcoded or entered via the keypad/push-button matrix. We first hardcoded a string display message, then displayed a message when a push button in the matrix was pressed, and finally when a code was entered correctly.

Sonar Radar



This project involved programming an ATmega328PB microcontroller to interface with an ultrasonic sensor and a servo motor, enabling distance measurement and motor control. The system used serial communication to transmit real-time distance and angle data while the servo motor scanned a 180-degree range.

Contact me

